Sex Ed Day 6: Contraceptives

Although our discussions have repeatedly highlighted the importance of abstaining from sexual activity until you enter a loving, long-term monogamous relationship and we have studied in depth the STI risks associated with sexual contact, there are teens who make the choice to become sexually active. Teens who decide to make this choice need to carefully consider the options available to them regarding contraception. Reducing the risks of unplanned pregnancy and STI transmission are the focus of this lesson.

Married adults also need to consider the available contraceptive options in order to choose an option that fits their lifestyles while also considering the effectiveness of the contraceptive and any negative side-effects of each method.

Along with the in-class contraceptive movie, the following sites are excellent resources for exploring the effectiveness and side effects of each contraceptive option.

Family Doctor Site and WebMD Site

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Trying to help students make healthy positive choices.
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